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What we’re about

Welcome to Yarn Addicts of Manchester, a woolly haven for crocheters and knitters since February 2015!
The aim of the group is to get together with like-minded people to crochet and knit in a sociable environment, discover new stitches, make new friends and talk about all things woolly!
We generally meet three times a month in Manchester city centre (two Saturday's and one Thursday evening).
We are the official Manchester branch of the Knitting and Crochet Guild, a UK charity that was established in 1978 to preserve the art of crochet and knitting and to encourage education and innovation.
We try to get involved with charity projects throughout the year which is a great way to support the local community ... and use up leftover wool!
If you love to crochet and knit, are new to Manchester, want to make new friends or just get out of the house, bring along your current project and join us.
Everyone is welcome, just click the RSVP button if you like the sound of the event. All I ask is you update your RSVP if you can no longer make it.
We do often have a waitlist to our events but add yourself on and numbers often change in the run up to the event.
Please note that there is an annual £3 membership fee which goes towards the Meetup hosting fee (a cost of almost £100 every 6 months) and can be paid here:
The YAMs are looking forward to meeting you!
Best wishes, Helen
Organiser of Yarn Addicts of Manchester

The small print \

RSVP's: Please only sign up to an event if you fully intend to come along.
We would appreciate it if could change your RSVP if your plans change and you can no longer make it, wherever possible, no later than 24 hours before the event. If you 'no show', it stops someone from the waitlist taking your place who would have loved the opportunity to join.
In line with the majority of Meetup groups, we operate a “3 no-shows and you're out” policy.
Disclaimer: Yarn Addicts of Manchester is not a business, we simply facilitate people getting together. Meetup, Yarn Addicts of Manchester, its Organisers and Event Hosts accept no responsibility and/or liability for any situations that may occur at Meetup or third party events.
You are responsible for purchasing your own ticket for events (where applicable). If a pre-booked, ticketed event is cancelled by a third party, it is your responsibility to organise a refund with the venue.