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New Meetup: Hike in Norvin Green State Forest in northern NJ

From: Paul
Sent on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 8:17 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for New York Hiking and Outdoor Adventurers!

What: Hike in Norvin Green State Forest in northern NJ

When: October 25,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: We'll do a 6 or so mile hike in Norvin Green State Forest in northern NJ.

There will be some great views which is a nice way of saying we'll be walking uphill. It'll also be fairly rocky, so I'd recommend wearing your broken in hiking boots. We'll go at a casual pace as this will also be my first time hiking at Norvin Green.

Bring lunch, plenty of water, rain gear and dress in layers.

To get there, take the 9:30 197 NJ Transit bus from gate 233 of the south wing of the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Have the driver let you off at the Skylands Diner in Ringwood, which should be at around 10:40. We'll do a short car shuttle from there to Norvin Green.

The Port Authority will probably be your last chance at a bathroom.

Expect to be back in the city by 5:30 or 6.

While your phone probably will work, I ask that you save it for the bus.

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