What we’re about
We are a public group, open to all: anglophones are welcome et les francophones sont bienvenus!
Note: We have made the group listed as private as we wish to protect each members personal information. But, we are a public group for all to join. This is the only way to keep members' information protected.
Remarque: nous avons défini le groupe comme privé afin de protéger les informations personnelles de chaque membre. Mais, nous sommes un groupe public auquel tous peuvent adhérer. C'est le seul moyen de protéger les informations des membres.
We want to work with and create with artificial intelligence processes, artificial intelligence algorithms, and associated electronics and hardware.
We are NOT a group for endless discussions on the topic. The organizer(s) prefer to work with A.I.
Therefore the purpose of this group is to embark upon a series of projects/creations/ideas which will proceed from idea and concept to final physical/virtual prototype. All of the projects we have available have been theoretically evaluated for possibility, this means they have been worked through theoretically to see if they can be accomplished by persons using A.I. Only if they succeed are they then placed for the group to work on.
But that is not all, - any project that we place here for development, already has some sort of "end user" waiting to evaluate it against the criteria that the aforementioned theoretical document demonstrated it possibly will meet. Should the prototype function as demonstrated in the design document, a number of previously agreed upon benefits will be divided equally between all the members in the group who contributed to its final version as expressed by the prototype - no third parties will receive any of the benefits.
Should a prototype/design produce an officially registered patent, this will be held jointly by all who worked upon it.
We DO have sponsors who are providing all of the resources and supplies required. No one from this group's members will be asked to contribute financially.
If you are serious please join us!
Some points to note:
• If you just join groups but never attend - those people are recognizable as they are members of 30+ groups, please look elsewhere for an AI group to join.
• We are skilled meetup organizer(s) who are tired of the "lurkers" - these are people who NEVER EVER come to a meeting, BUT join groups for some unknown reason.
• Meetings are canceled if no one RSVPs by Midnight the evening before, there is no point in the host(s) going to sit for no one to show up. Please do not complain about meetings being canceled - it is clearly written here as to why a meeting will be canceled. There are however complainers who will never be satisfied by no matter what we write.
• Meetings will be canceled if the host(s) are ill, this is only fair, just, and normal.
• Meetings are held even if only one other person (other than the hosts) have RSVPed, so please do not stay away due to no one else RSVPing. We NEVER host meetings with huge numbers of attendees, they are more productive in small teams of 3 to 6 people. If you are holding off until you see a huge group, you may as well go find another group. After all quantity is NOT quality of what you receive.
• An lastly, you must be able to converse in complete sentences in English for the hosts to be able to interact with you and for you to get something from our group.