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Re: [londroid] Galaxy Nexus now 200 extra i.e. 629.95 today at Phones 4U, 112 Oxford Street

From: ᴡᴡᴡ
Sent on: Monday, November 21, 2011, 11:06 AM
What's the latest with phones4u ??? I was out of London on "launch" (?) day so missed the 429 opportunity, found out it was 629 (WOW!) the day after and now it's back down to 529, but every shop (including oxford st) is telling me "oh we don't have contract free in stock - why don't we talk about your current contract?" etc etc (I have great pleasure in telling them I am on less than 8 quid a month at that point which is when they back off).

I guess what I am asking is: Where is the best place to get an unlocked nexus for the best price ?

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