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Re: [londroid] Trouble with cameras on some phones

From: Carl H.
Sent on: Sunday, February 12, 2012, 11:09 AM
There are a couple of issues with the camera. Remember that newer
phones have 2 cameras and sometimes you have to force the camera
selection before using any camera api call. I have the 4g running ICS
thought and the camera is not working (ICS branch on xda).

On 11 February[masked]:15,­ Colin Stewart <[address removed]> wrote:
> Hi,
> In my expense tracking application (ExpenseClam) I have implemented a
> camera activity to allow photographing receipts.
> Generally the code works well, with analytics reporting over 5000 photos
> taken successfully.  Unfortunately there are a small number of phone
> models out there for which the camera service crashes with my app,
> causing some (understandably) negative reviews in the market.  I don't
> have access to any of these phones, so my options for debugging are
> limited.
> The ones I've seen crashes for are mainly HTC US phones: HTC myTouch 4G
> (Glacier), HTC EVO 3D (shooter), HTC 4G (supersonic) and recently the
> Samsung Galaxy Nexus (mysid - a model not listed in the market device
> list).
> So this is my plea for help: Has anyone else using the camera APIs seen
> similar issues?  Does anyone have access to one of these phone and would
> be willing to help me by running some test code?
> For now I've manually excluded the Evo 3D from the compatible devices
> list in the market to try and reduce user frustration.
> Thanks,
> Colin.
> --
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Kind Regards,
Carl-Gustaf Harroch

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