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Missed last night? Not to worry.

From: Tally
Sent on: Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 12:19 PM

Hello Londroid,

Thank you to everyone who came yesterday, it was a great night surrounded by gnomes, air con and android talks.


Watch it again 🎥

If you missed the evening you can watch both talks on

Dan Jackson - How to improve working on your legacy application ➡️

Ollie Russell - Going Beyond Google ➡️

A big thanks to our speakers Dan and Ollie 💫and to Rightmove for hosting, feeding and entertaining us.


📸Photos 📸

If you took some snaps last night you can add them to the album on the meetup page here ➡️


🗣CFP 🗣

If you want to speak at a future Londroid then fill in this short form with your talk details and we will be in touch. Simples! Londroid Call For Papers ➡️


👋Get in touch 👋

We always want to hear from you, so follow us or email us at @Londroid or [address removed]


Until next time.


Tally and the Londroid Team.

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