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Your Immediate Input Needed...Just takes a few minutes!

From: veganvet
Sent on: Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 10:10 PM
URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Your Immediate Input Needed for Appointment of United
States Secretary of Agriculture


The U.S. Department of Agriculture has more influence on how animals in the
United States are treated than any other Department. It is important that
President Elect Obama appoint a Secretary of Agriculture that will be animal
friendly. The transition team for President Elect Obama is currently
considering nominees for that post and should be announcing that appointment
very very soon (probably next week). On the "short" list for that
appointment is former Texas Congressman Charles Stenholm. THLN strongly
objects to Mr. Stenholm for Secretary of Agriculture or any other position
of authority over animal welfare matters. Throughout his career, Stenholm
has been extremely hostile to even the most modest animal protection
reforms. For example, as a Congressman he lead the fight against banning the
slaughter of sick and crippled ("downer") cattle, and voted against funding
to enforce the federal animal fighting law. Stenholm is currently a paid
lobbyist for the agribusiness (and in particular, the horse slaughter
industry). His positions on animal fighting, horse slaughter and the
slaughter of "downer" cows are at odds with President Elect Obama's
pronouncements on these issues. We must let the Obama transition team know
of our objection to Charles Stenholm.

You can do this quickly and easily by going to the Obama website:
7B7F7B48030BBF90&subscription=105&type=click> and using
the information above send a message to President Elect Obama opposing the
appointment of Charles Stenholm to the Secretary of Agriculture. Please act
quickly, time is of the essence. Also forward this to your friends and
neighbors and ask them to contact the transition team as well.


Below is a sample letter:

Dear President-Elect Obama,
I am writing to voice my strong objection to the possible appointment of
Texas Congressman Charles Stenholm as Secretary of Agriculture. Throughout
his career, Stenholm has been extremely hostile to even the most modest
animal protection reforms. For example, as a Congressman he lead the fight
against banning the slaughter of sick and crippled ("downer") cattle, and
voted against funding to enforce the federal animal fighting law. Stenholm
is currently a paid lobbyist for the agribusiness (and in particular, the
horse slaughter industry). His positions on animal fighting, horse slaughter
and the slaughter of "downer" cows are at odds with your pronouncements on
these issues.
Thank you for your consideration.

Armaiti May, D.V.M.
Dr. May's Veterinary House Calls
Serving dogs and cats in West LA
Phone: (310)[masked]
Fax: (310)[masked]

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