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Secular Coalition for Pennsylvania "Put Kids First" to end nonmedical vaccine exemptions

From: Janice R.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 22, 2016, 11:01 AM

Hi everyone, we just wanted to update you on our April 7, 2016 meeting, where we host Brian Fields of PA Nonbelievers as he discusses the Secular Coalition for America's multi-state effort to end nonmedical vaccine exemptions.

Pennsylvania is one of the SCA's target states, and past legislation has been suggested to remove "philosophical" exemptions to vaccines, leaving "religious" exemptions in place. We need citizen pressure to encourage lawmakers to also block religious exemptions.

The Secular Coalition feels that all healthy children should receive vaccinations to halt the spread of preventable diseases such as measles, mumps, whooping cough, and polio. This not only helps protect the lives of these children, but "community immunity" through comprehensive vaccine programs can help everyone in every town stay safe and avoid being infected by preventable disease.

Please join us in Room 407 at the Free Library on Thursday April 7 for an informative talk about this important effort by the Secular Coalition to unite the secular community with the medical community to help end nonmedical vaccine exemptions.

Thank you!

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