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What we’re about

The purpose of IANDS Down Under is to explore near-death and other extraordinary experiences. We're an official group of IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies). Our intention is to provide a safe and nourishing space for meaningful dialogue on NDEs and other extraordinary experiences.

Our group is open to people who've had a near-death or other extraordinary experience, as well as their loved ones, professionals who encounter this population, and people with a sincere interest.

IANDS Down Under is facilitated by Kirsty Salisbury (Auckland) & Dr. Nicole Gruel (Sydney)

We will have regular meet ups and online discussions.

Please be respectful of all in this group. We welcome all walks of life, all faith paths, all wisdom paths, Experiencers of all sorts. IANDS members from around the world have diverse views on many topics. From its inception, IANDS as an organisation is neutral, and does not align itself with any particular social, religious, or political ideology. We promote respectful dialogue.

What we encourage you to post:
- thoughts, reflections, questions arising from our Down Under IANDS gatherings and other relevant events
- we love photos of the group and our activities!
- your experiences (within the context of NDEs and other spiritually transformative experiences)
- your thoughts, questions, experiences as a loved one of someone who is an NDE'r or STE'r
- your thoughts, questions, experiences as a professional who comes across people who are experiencing or have experienced NDEs/STEs
- your suggestions to improve our group
- helpful resources for folks who ask

Posts and comments that are disrespectful, insensitive, divisive, judgemental, etc. may be removed without warning. Regular offenders may be asked to leave or barred from this group. We don't want to ever have to take any of those actions, so don't make us.  And now to the fun stuff... :)