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Re: [ballroomdance-192] Cyndi Dorber added a post

From: chuck #.
Sent on: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 8:53 PM
Is there anything on mondays at 9?  I remember u said something about that...

Sent from my iPhone because I got one.

On Dec 30, 2010, at 6:58 PM, Cyndi Dorber <[address removed]> wrote:

Happy New Year! It's all starting Monday with Two Step with Michael O'Brien at 7:30 pm - January 3! Tuesdays will be our Latin night with Rumba at 7 pm followed by ChaCha at 8:30 pm. Thursdays Pam and Wes Neese will be hosting West Coast Swing lessons where the doors will open at 7:30 pm. This Saturday, Jan. 8 the Neese Duo will host our West Coast Swing Party starting at 7:30 with a workshop being held after 8 pm. Put on those dancing shoes! We wish you all a happy, healthy, safe and prosperous New Year! God Bless!
Cyndi, Roy, Barbara & Melissa

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This message was sent by Cyndi Dorber ([address removed]) from Dance Party - Come Learn and Join the Fun!.
To learn more about Cyndi Dorber, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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