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SLOrktastic Chamber Music 2016 (tomorrow!)

From: ge
Sent on: Saturday, April 30, 2016, 2:22 PM
Dear all,

The Stanford Laptop Orchestra (SLOrk) presents new works for electronic
chamber music, by members of the SLOrk ensemble and seminar.  You are
cordially invited to join us in exploring new sounds and musical spaces
crafted for laptops, humans, and hemispherical speaker arrays!

     SLOrktastic Chamber Music 2016
     Sunday, May 1st 7:30pm | CCRMA Stage
     FREE and open to the public

Featuring works and performances by:
Jack Atherton, Paul Batchelor, Arushi Jain, Sanjay Kannan,
Guiliano Kornberg, Trijeet Mukhopadhyay, Tim O'Brien, Alison Rush,
Kitty Shi, Chryssie Nanou, Ludwig Schubert, Nathan Tindall,
Ge Wang, Ben Williams, Matt Wright.

For more info, visit:

on behalf of SLOrk,
Ge, Matt, Tim

Ge Wang
Assistant Professor
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Department of Music (also Computer Science, by Courtesy)
Stanford University

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