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Please arrive "on time" & attendance reminder

From: Lucy
Sent on: Sunday, July 17, 2016, 12:31 AM

Dear BABGMG members,

It's terrific to see more and more new members and those new to golf joining us for our outings.

Because many of you are so "new," I am sending this message to let you know what our group expectations are.

1.  Please arrive at the golf course on time.  "On time" means at least 15-30 minutes before the first group tees off.  Let's say the first group's tee time is 9:00 a.m. and your group isn't teeing off until 9:30 a.m.  That doesn't matter.  Arrive early (this means no later than 8:45 a.m.) and report to the Event Host so that he/she isn't stressed out about the pairings.

It usually takes anywhere from 15-30 minutes from the minute you park your car to the time you are ready to tee off.  Why?  Think about it:  It takes a few minutes to put your golf shoes on, get your golf bag/pull cart situated, stand in line at the Pro Shop, go to the restroom, grab a drink or food, look for our group, go back to your car because you forgot your GPS/visor/hat/sunscreen/phone/extra golf balls/or whatever, stand in line at the Pro Shop again because you want to get a bucket of balls, but you need to go back to your car because you left your wallet in your car when you had gone back to grab your visor, then you need to go to the restroom again because of the drink that you just had, and when you come out, it takes a while to remember where you left your golf bag/cart, then you need to go back to the bathroom because you left your golf glove in there . . .

If you are running late, please call your Event Host or post a comment on the meetup page to let everyone know that you are on your way so that the groups can be adjusted.

There was horrible traffic this morning on 880, but the ladies running late all contacted me, so I was totally cool with it.

2.  Despite my sounding like a broken record about the importance of not signing up unless golfers are 100% positive they will show, we had 3 no-shows this morning for the Ladies Club Tournament.  It was one long-time member and her +1.  This counts as 2 no-shows.  She had last-minute cancelled on a couple other occasions and I should have removed her then.  I banned her today.

The other no-show is a regular golfer, and I am usually more lenient with long-time members.  However, she had no-showed once before, so I removed her from our Club today.

I paid for the green fees of those 3 no-shows, because I guarantee the golf course a certain number of players in exchange for a great rate.  I paid for the no-shows out of my own pocket, not from the Ladies Club fund, because the Ladies Club should not be penalized for the thoughtlessness of a few.

We are at the peak of golf season, so I encourage everyone to go out there and have a blast slicing, hooking, whiffing, topping, 3-putting, cussing, stepping on people's lines, putting a death choke on your clubs, blaming your golf clubs for your bad shots, and falling madly and desperately in love with the game of golf.

Life is short . . .golf while you are still healthy and able to . . .




Bay Area Beginner Golf Meetup Group


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