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Campbell Evening Track Workout on MONDAY - resistance bands

From: Michelle G
Sent on: Sunday, November 2, 2014, 4:45 PM

Let's get the week off to a great start with a  track workout at the Campbell Community Center. It is a fantastic track -- well lit, clean and beautiful!

Pace: Everyone is welcome. We usually break up into three groups, slower, medium and faster. We would love to see you!

Warmup: We will start with a mile warmup (4 laps around)


We will partner up and work with the resistance bands around the track. We will go for 25 minutes.

Cool down: one mile cool down

I will bring drinks for us to share when we finish!


Have a wonderful day!

Michelle Gannon 
Founder of The Language Playground fun ways to teach your child a second language

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When: Monday, November 3,[masked]:15 PM

Where: Campbell Community Center TRACK
Corner of Winchester and Campbell Ave
Campbell, CA 95008

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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