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RSVP for tonight's run

From: Michelle G
Sent on: Monday, February 22, 2016, 9:40 AM

Hello fabulous runners! I am looking forward to tonight's run. Please remember to RSVP as the best way to attract new runners is for them to see that a run is filled with fun people. We typically get about 20 people to our Monday run but only 6 people sign up! :)


Here's the workout for Monday Night's Run at 6 30pm at the Campbell Community Center:

Warmup: 1 mile (come earlier if you want to get in more mileage)

Workout: Descending Rest 400s
The idea is to keep this 400 meter the same pace throughout all regardless of how much rest you have had
400 meter run with 3 minute recovery
400 meter run with 2:30 minute recovery 
400 meter run with 2 minute recovery
400 meter run with 1:30 minute recovery
400 meter run with 1 minute recovery 
400 meter run with 30 second  recovery

Cool Down: 800 meters (2 laps)

See you then!


Founder of The Language Playground



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