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Did you make it to the Brewer's Festival?

From: Cavorticus
Sent on: Monday, July 30, 2007, 1:25 PM
Greetings everybody,

Geni and I had a great time volunteering on Saturday at the 20th Oregon Brewer's Festival. Did you go? I'd like to hear from everyone about their favourite beers. My favourite was Widmer's Noggin Grog. It was very much like the Kulmbacher Eku 28 that was at the International Beer Festival except it was only 9% ABV instead of 11% like the Eku.
If you get a chance, post a message with your thoughts on the event.
I know we didn't get together as a group, but with the event spread out over four days and everyone's varying schedules, it would have been pretty tough. But I did see Kip there on Sunday.
I'll be in sunny Las Vegas for the Bones and Brew. If you would like to step up and coordinate a meetup time and place for this event, feel free. Let me know.
