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What we’re about

Talk therapy and reading self-help can only go so far in healing your social anxiety, especially if you grew up in a dysfunctional family or experienced trauma. This Meetup group aims to be a place where people who struggle with interpersonal trauma issues and social anxiety can get together and conquer our fears. I envision having events like self-help book study groups, gatherings for just socially anxious people to talk in a safe environment, and also events where we will go out as a team and *gulp* confront our fears by approaching people in public events and simply out in public. We are all at different points in our journey and there will be Meetups that vary in social intensity from small, private, and reflective, to loud and public with strangers. No one is forced or even encouraged to go to events that are too far outside their comfort level.
*I am NOT a coach or therapist using a Meetup as a front to sell you my services*. I'm a regular person who wants to take a leadership role in recovering from my own personal childhood trauma and fears. I am open to suggestions for meetups including joint meetups with groups that would be sensitive to socially anxious people.