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New Meetup: Let's try again! - Manchester/Gloucester/Rockport

From: Rob F.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 7:21 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Greater Boston Cycling/Outdoor Fitness Group!

What: Manchester/Gloucester/Rockport - Let's try again!

When: June 28,[masked]:30 AM

Event fee: $3.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Well, last week's weather didn't cooperate so let's try again!

Ride is 37 Miles in Length.

If you select your response as MAYBE, please be sure to return to the site and change your reply to YES or NO by say....Friday noon time so I have an accurate count of how many will be coming and will know whether to run the ride....

Thank you!


There are clearly many bicycling groups out there?.

So what makes this group different?

I've participated in so many other biking groups over the years where it seems like the main goal is to just get to the finish first. In our group, we are not only out to get a good fitness ride in (average pace 12-15 mph) but I like for people to leave our rides feeling like they just made a bunch of great new friends! Join us! We're a fun group and we love cycling!!

If you join us, please bring your humor and sense of adventure because, yes it's true, we even get lost sometimes :-) as we explore new routes together?.it keeps things exciting!

We usually wrap up the ride with a bite to eat or an ice cream somewhere in the vicinity of the ride's end point.

Feel free at anytime to write me with any questions that you have!

Rob Fox, Organizer
[address removed]

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