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:>HELP WANTED<: (Bio)Technology Biz Writer

From: Adam R.
Sent on: Friday, January 25, 2013, 1:37 PM

Friends and Colleagues,

We are excited to inform you that the national (bio)tech biz "rag" is coming to CO! That is great news for our entrepreneurial ecosystem as another bright media light shall now shine upon us. But help is needed, perhaps that is where you or someone you know comes in. Please read on:

As Xconomy moves forward in Boulder, Denver, and beyond, we’re going to need someone in the Front Range with the right mix of enthusiasm, creativity, versatility, knowledge, and who also happens to be a top-notch writer. The job will probably be part-time at first, hopefully building quickly to full time as we build our business in Colorado. Our ideal candidate will be a resourceful researcher and fearless interviewer, with the ability to write swiftly and the experience to produce breaking business news stories, longer features, profiles, and bloggy posts on a daily schedule.

We want someone who can work independently, but in close coordination with the team at Xconomy. (You can learn more about us here.) We also give high marks for a sense of humor, and those who show a talent for Web publishing tools and social media.

If this sounds like you, write us at [address removed]. Tell us about yourself, your knowledge of the Colorado innovation scene, and why you think you’d be a great fit with Xconomy—and don’t forget a resume and clips.

If this is you, send a note right now to [address removed]

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