From: John W.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 9, 2013, 12:43 PM

1) Don't forget the inaugural Innovate Demo Day 2013 will take place tomorrow Wednesday, July 10th, 6:30 - 9:30pm at the WeWork Lounge, 154 Grand St, New York, NY 10013. . 10 finalists will pitch their health tech solutions to the audience and judges. Finalists will be evaluated by the review panel and the 3 winning solutions will be announced at the close of the event. Put on by the New York City Economic Development Corporation, Janssen Healthcare Innovation, Health 2.0, StartUp Health and ChallengePost.

2) NYC Bio is cosponsoring with NYC Medtech Microbes Growing to Micro-Brewing on August 14, 5:15 p.m.– 8:00 p.m, location TBA. Industry professionals and founders will discuss the issue of production of various products that are made in small custom batches to scale to amounts for distribution. Included will also be a presentation relating to the brewing of beer and possibly fine grain products as well. (Yes, there will be free beer.) Sign up at and you must tell us what you are looking for in events (including this event) and in particular what you would like from NYC Bio. This last part is very important; we can only meet needs if we know what they are.

To the last event, if you do large-scale production (i.e. industrial- not lab-scale) of anything from algae to bacteria to fungi for oil or protein or pharmaceuticals (etc.), or if you know someone who does, please email me.

Stay cool everybody.

Happy bioteching, best,
