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What we’re about

Making friends is hard. Scientists say that the average human will form an average of 396 personal relationships over their lifetime. Of that 396, only 33 end up being lasting friendships, and that doesn't take into account our social lives after COVID. On top of it all, we all live different, busy lives.

At Blooom, we get that! That's why our focus is building lasting memories that lead to meaningful connections, and giving our members a space where they feel safe to be themselves. Each week, we personally plan unique events at venues across the city with limited, tailored guestlists designed for every outing.

We all want to have a good time. To get there, we live by a few key principles; member consistency, community building, and personality all play a part but the foundations of everything we do are inclusivity, safety, and the comfort of everyone in attendance.

Our team has over 10 years of combined event planning experience and we've seen it all! From removing problem members quickly to planning and coordinating multi-day escape weekends for large groups - we've dealt with it all. We've attended countless events with different vibes from club nights to quiet bonfires. Now we're turning that experience to craft quality events for you!

Most events we curate are mixers, live music, club nights, game nights, and potlucks among other things! On the more adventurous side of what we do are cottage trips, camping, hiking, day trips, and outdoor recreational events. All planned, all organized, just waiting for you to Blooom.

[This group is primarily for individuals in their 20s and 30s]

Code of conduct:
1. Be open - Open to new experiences and new people that come out to our events. Being open will create a welcoming presence such that others will feel safer and more comfortable. Remember not everyone knows what you know and vice versa.

2. Respect - Please respect yourselves and others. We are all human and deserve a basic level of respect. Words and actions can be destructive, we would like this group to be a constructive environment for people. Harassment of any kind is not tolerated in this group and swift action will be taken to mitigate any such activity. If you witness such behavior or feel like you are experiencing harassment at any of our events, the coordinators are first and foremost around to ensure everyone feels safe so do not hesitate to talk to any one of us. We will deal with the situation in a discreet and urgent manner.

3. Understand Social Boundaries - We are not here to babysit each and every one of you. This group is primarily to make friends. Do not send unsolicited messages or treat our events as your dating grounds. Let things grow organically do not force people into awkward situations.

Upcoming events (1)

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