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Book Meet Attendance

From: Debbie
Sent on: Saturday, April 9, 2016, 2:31 PM

We all enjoy book clubs for the positive fact that we read a wide variety of genres we may never think to choose.  And then, it's great when we can get together and talk about the book!

Well, lately there hasn't been a lot of participation. A lot of time goes into organizing meetings, socials, making book suggestions, running a poll, scheduling a meeting place and facilitating the book meets.  We are so lucky to have a nice quiet meeting place in a private room!

We only meet once a month, so I hope the book meets will find time in your busy schedules.  It's always fun to meet, have coffee and chat about what we read!

Remember, if you RSVP and find your plans have changed, please be courteous and change your RSVP at least 48 hours in advance. As you can imagine, it's no fun to be the only one there! Please review the No Show Policy that's been in effect for quite some time.

[b]No Show Policy[/b]We know things come up and sometimes you can't make it to the book meet.  We greatly appreciate you changing your RSVP at least 48 hours in advance so those on the wait list can join in your place.  If you RSVP and don't show up, a "No Show" will be noted on your profile.  Accumulation of two no shows will result in restricted attendance and possibly removal from the book club.

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