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Beware the Polar Vortex!

From: Huck T.
Sent on: Monday, January 20, 2014, 11:30 AM
High heating bills this year? No heat period? Frozen nostrils? No Problem! Just come on down and stay warm by playing Ultimate with us!

There are just a few simple rules. 1) Bring appropriate clothing, ideally on your body. 2) Bring hydration...or not, I'm not a cop. 3) RSVPing helps...A LOT. 4) Feel free to bring a friend, preferably a hot friend but we're not picky (Jk, I'm a dragon, it wouldn't work out). 5) Have fun, be inclusive, smile, and have fun!

Here are your weekly Meet-Ups and your pick-me-up GIF.
WEDNESDAY @7PM at Russell
FRIDAY @7PM at Russell
SUNDAY @1PM at Russell
Weather Report Week of 1/20/14.
Stop throwing money away at the gym and come to Frisbee!

- "The Cool, Calm, and Collected" Huckster the Dragon

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