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Re: on password encryption and storage

From: Darren M.
Sent on: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 12:51 PM

Having been a code auditor in a previous life... 

Note that new laws are coming in to place in Australia that will force everybody 
| to be quite a bit more responsible with user data. Best to keep it secure. 

Also mind that CREloaded somehow passed its PCI DSS certification with this 
| code in place, while it clearly breaches basic safety guidelines. So, it slipped 
| through. PCI DSS and other certification on e-commerce components are *not* 
| a guarantee that the code is good/safe. 

Unfortunately there is a *lot* of disillusionment over what the various security auditors and accreditations are.

Even with an experienced auditor involved, it is *extremely easy* to get a client over the line, regardless of what type of audit is being conducted.

That said, it shouldn't be... but commercial realities of 2012 and requirements of performing the audit for a given price / time frame / etc tend to overshadow good intent.

Relevant regulatory requirements, both existing and planned, aren't worth the paper they are written on unfortunately - btu I think a lot on this list already know that (preaching to the converted is easy)


Darren Mackay
Enterprise Research, Forensics and Consulting
mobile: [masked]
twitter: @darrenmackay
email / xmpp: [address removed]

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