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Swing Class for Newbies This Friday

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, February 11, 2013, 6:14 PM

Want to dance?  Want to meet cool people and expand your boundaries a bit?


This Friday is it!


Beginning, Drop-in West Coast Swing Class & Dance

7:30 Class   ($10 class & dance)

8:30 Dance  ($6 dance only)

Sons of Norway (549 Harmon, near Westside Cafe)


No partner needed and you're not expected to know anything before you come to class!  You're welcome to bring your own liquid entertainment.  Come with a friend or solo... great place to meet people!  (We always have about 50-60 people at these monthly dances so don't be concerned that people don't rsvp on the meetup site.)


Call, email or text me if you have any questions or need encouragement.  Hope to meet those of you I haven't met yet!




[address removed]


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