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Early Bird pricing for LogiCalLA ends Nov 1

From: CFI P.
Sent on: Sunday, October 30, 2016, 8:41 PM

The newest conference on the skeptic circuit, LogiCal-LA will be ending their Early Bird Special at 9pm PST on November 1. Don’t miss this exciting conference with many world-renowned speakers and plenty of entertaining evenings and panel discussions. It will be held next to the Los Angeles airport at the recently remodeled Hyatt Hotel on January 13-15, 2017.

There is a great lineup of speakers including National Center for Science Education founder Eugenie Scott, Freedom From Religion Foundation president Dan Barker, podcaster Seth Andrews, biology professor Jerry Coyne and astrophysicist Sean Carroll. An exciting Anti-Superstition party will be heldon Friday night (January 13th) to kick-off the weekend’s activities. The party includes dancing, games, prizes, singers and much more.

Discount rooms are available for all attendees. All details about this new, exciting conference can be seen at:

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