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Point Blank: Cedar Lee Theater - Thur Sept 29 at 6

From: Jims
Sent on: Monday, September 12, 2011, 8:53 PM

Hi everyone,

Thanks to Renu who did a great job at organizing "The Help".  My understanding is they had a great time at the movie and in the discussion afterward.


Hitchcock class

If you are a Hitchcock fan as I am, then you will not want to miss an 8-week series being conducted by local film critic, Terry Mehan.  It starts Tuesday, Sept 23.  If you are interested, the information is at the bottom of this email.  (I am giving some consideration in attending.)


Duck Hunter

If you are interested in joining the group to see the US premiere of "The Duck Hunter", you need to get your money to me by next Wednesday.  You can use Paypal to pay the $10 before then or look for me at the Higher Ground event on the 21st.  After that, you will need to make your own arrangements to obtain your tickets.  We are eating Puerto Rican food and should be a great time.  October 6.


Devil's Double

This Wednesday, for you Night Owls, John will be organizing an event to see "The Devil's Double", the true story about Uday Hussein (you may remember his father Sadam), who hires / forces someone who looks like him to be his body double.  Fascinating story.  Meeting at Deweys at 8:30.  The movie is at 9:55.  Wednesday at the Cedar Lee.


Point Blank

Finally, please join the group to see Point Blank at the Cedar Lee on the 29th.  The reviews have been great.  Yes, we will have seen a number of French films, but their movies truly make up for their fighting ability


Group membership Payment

If you haven't already, please pay your yearly fee of $5.  It is probably easier if you can pay directly on Paypal, but if not, try to remember at your next movie event.  Thanks.


See you at the movies,




While much of the suspense of Hitchcock’s films is a result of his masterful cinematic technique, he still had to start with a story. We will examine three of his classic mysteries and the literary sources from which they sprung. The written work will be discussed first, followed by a screening and discussion of its adaptation to film. Clips from “making of” documentaries will also be shown, featuring comments from the master himself and many of his fellow filmmakers.   The first reading/adaptation is The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan.  Then comes Strangers on a Train and Rear Window.   Tuesdays:  September 20-November 8 7:30-9:00 p.m. $70   First Unitarian Church 21600 Shaker Boulevard at Belvoir Shaker Heights   For more information and to sign up, call:  Marilyn Brooks:[masked] Or call the Continuing Ed office:  [masked]   To register online, start here:

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