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Re: Re: [codecrewny] Programming languages Coursera course.

From: Jamal
Sent on: Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 12:43 PM

Hey Vincent, thanks for sharing. That list would be very helpful.

There are a few links to some beginner resources, including TryGit, on the Code Crew blog (

Check it out and if anyone wants to help maintain it shoot me we an email offline.

- Jamal

On Jan 29,[masked]:25 PM, "Vincent" <[address removed]> wrote:
I should make a complete list and put it on my blog....

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:23 PM, Bianca <[address removed]> wrote:
Vincent, I cannot thank you enough for this email, lots of great resources. I hadn't ever heard of Learnstreet before, and didn't realize that Code School has a free tutorial on Git (which as I said before, I desperately need).

Thanks again.

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Vincent <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi all.

I was actually just thinking of starting a meetup like this for folks that want to take coursera classes as a group to stay committed. Glad you guys started this.

I'm currently taking a class at General Assembly on Front-End and Rails. I have experience with Ruby, Rails, Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, PHP, ActionScript, and WordPress. I am still far from professional, however and I am excited to meet other people that are also learning.

There are a few really good online resources that I've found over the past year. I find that Learnstreet has a nicer and less buggy tutorial than Codecademy and also has a few little mini projects that you can work on to sharpen your skills. Code School has a few free gameified tutorial programs as well. And there's always nettuts. I recommend the 30 day jQuery tutorial.

Looking forward to the next meetup.


On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Jamal O'Garro <[address removed]> wrote:

Awesome! Maybe we can think of an idea for a simple group project that we can use to apply what we are learning to. Our HTML/CSS and JavaScript folks can work on the front-end while those interested in the back-end can build that out.

This would also be a good way to learn/exercise Git and version control. The project doesn't have to be anything crazy but something simple like a "to do" app would be cool for starters. This would be more of a long-term project that we would add new features to every week.

Any Swabbies on deck?

- Jamal

On Jan 29,[masked]:33 AM, "Damian" <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey Everyone,

I would be interested in doing the Codecademy stuff in a group to learn and re-enforce the lessons. I would also be open to helping people if they are working on any actual projects and feel comfortable bringing the project to the group. I always seem to learn better when applying my knowledge to a tangible goal. In any case I'm up for whatever, and I'm looking forward to the first meeting.



On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Jamal O'Garro <[address removed]> wrote:

Hey Richard, thanks for your input. I actually just joined your group not long ago and am playing catchup now for the next meeting, which I think is on Scala.

The Coursera course does seem a little advanced for a complete beginner but if anyone is interested in checking it out I say go for it. For a good beginner's course I'm thinking those of us that are complete n00bs can work through Codecademy's JavaScript track and Eloquent JavaScript together. I actually just started it a few weeks ago but will be going back to do some of the lesson challenges and can help with any questions on the first three units.

If anyone is interested in doing this let me know.

- Jamal

On Jan 29,[masked]:38 AM, "Richard H" <[address removed]> wrote:

I am not a newbie but I was one in the fairly recent past, and I really like the idea of this group.

I am actually taking that Programming Languages course on Coursera. Although it has just started, it's in the middle of its second unit and it's moving quite fast, introducing major new concepts in each unit that will probably be unfamiliar to beginners (lists and recursion in the first, pattern matching in the second). It's definitely not for people who have no programming experience.

That said, it's totally awesome, it will give you an excellent intro to solid fundamental concepts of programming, and I encourage you to join. There's no penalty for checking it out for a week and deciding whether or not it's for you. If you have a lot of time on your hands and want to try to catch up, I would be available to answer questions about the first couple of homeworks.

Last but not least, shameless plug here: I run a Meetup called 7 Languages in 7 Months NYC ( We're on our third language now. Next meetup is this Wednesday. Beginners are more than welcome, although they are guaranteed to be confused. That's part of the game, though -- you're always going to be confused in this business. Your best hope is to find friendly people to be confused with.

- Richard

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Vincent Trivett
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Bianca Rodrigues
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Vincent Trivett
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