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Shrap Nellie vs. Daisy Nukes!

From: Sydney
Sent on: Friday, May 4, 2012, 8:59 AM
So yes, I am hopelessly promoting myself again. But this time its because Lisa and Ann asked me to tell everyone when the time came for my - FIRST EVER HOME BOUT!!!

My team the Shrap Nellies is skating against our other home team the Daisy Nukes. May 18th at the St. Vrain memorial center in longmont. Pre-sale tickets are only $10. If you buy them from me they are only $8. So yes, come support your local roller derby! Plus there will be vegan cupcakes... I repeat there will be vegan cupcakes!


You need to wear red. And if you feel so inclined to make a #88 poster that would be pretty cool too ;)

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