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Are Facebook Ads Really Supposed to Be This Hard to Implement? (< 1 min read)

From: Bill Belew A.
Sent on: Friday, July 7, 2017, 1:00 PM

In my last email (Do Facebook Ads Really Work for Books?) I invited you to follow along on a Case Study.

Please click thru to take a look at the ad.

I don't know the answer to Do Facebook Ads Work ... yet, but I am getting closer to finding out.

Setting Up Facebook Ads is NOT Easy

I have learned that setting up Facebook Ads is quite complex - or I am too simple-minded <= definitely possible.

There are dozens of moving pieces to get right ... or wrong. Any one of which could be pointed to and I be told, "No wonder your ad campaign didn't work, stupid. Look at what you did here." Seriously!

Juggling Facebook AD Variables

Please click thru to take a look at the ad.

3 Steps

  1. Prove to Facebook by means of engagement =reach/ad recall stats and visits from other Facebook types that there might be legitimate interest in the book.
  2. Switch from engagement ads to conversion ads.
  3. Collect Orders

The engagement step was successful.

I plan to share with the marketers and the authors receiving this email the complete strategy: numbers, spend, conversions and such if they pre-order the book. The book, too, of course.

Please click thru to take a look at the ad.

More to come.


Bill Belew


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