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Today - Using Webinars to Reach a Larger Regional, National or Global Audience - Free webinar

From: Sunil Bhaskaran Speaker, M.
Sent on: Thursday, July 27, 2017, 9:44 AM

It is now possible to create a large audience regionally, nationally and globally using Meetup affordably via webinars. This does not take up time and does not require you to start huge numbers of meetups initially.

Meetup allows half your events to be webinar based if you wish.  Find out in this webinar how you can leverage this to your benefit.

What you will learn:

· What is Meetup and how it can work for you.

· Secrets to using meetup to build large audiences via webinars.

· Why doing this creates an engaged community and attracts people to your business.

Click here to get access to this webinar and to free training on using meetup to grow your audience:

I look forward to seeing you on the webinar,

Sunil Bhaskaran



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