From: user 4.
Sent on: Thursday, March 22, 2012, 11:00 AM
Dear Abraham Hicks Meetup Members,

As I've continued my study and teaching of Intentional Manifestation in my Free 40 Day Miracles Training, I've come more into increased understanding of the advanced work that James is doing with clients individually and in groups. By helping you to identify and release any energetic, mental, and emotional blocks, James helps you to fully experience the energetic frequency of what your life would look and feel like with NO LIMITATIONS.

I've been present at numerous Empowerment Workshops over the years. A Quantum Field of emotional release gets recreated and powerful healing, shamanic vision, and profound empowerment occurs for ALL participants. I hope you can join us this Sunday in Culver City!  Call or email me for more info. Love and light, Barbara (323)[masked]

James Hyman's
Basic Training Empowerment Workshop

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to work one-on-one with Master Teacher, Shaman-Healer, James Hyman, founder of The Deep Emotional Release Bodywork & Quantum-Theta Healing in Private Sessions or in a one-day Workshop, now in Los Angeles!

The Group setting is a powerful dynamic for ENLIGHTENED TRANSFORMATION!  

Sunday, March 25th, 2012 • 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM • West L.A. Location
Transformational Private Healing Sessions with James Hyman. Some available times this week in Los Angeles! Call now to reserve time for your transformational healing session!
 Work at the subconscious and conscious levels simultaneously to achieve higher states of Consciousness and Expanded Awareness in this Powerful 1-day Playshop!

• Release Blocked emotional energy
• Harness the power of Positive Emotions and Conscious Awareness
• Raise your Energetic Frequency of Vibration and Power of Attraction
• Identify and attract your highest, unlimited vision for this lifetime
• Identify and clear blockages in all energy fields, timelines, and time grids
• Learn powerful techniques that you can use with yourself and others to improve insight, intuition and inner knowing!
Become completely empowered and connected to your fully expressed authentic Self. Experience the supreme satisfaction and profound personal empowerment of knowing, there is nothing outside yourself to seek, and nothing left that needs to be fixed.
Still open space!
Call or email today for details, more information or to register!

Call Barbara at (323)[masked]
Call James Hyman at (805)[masked]

Email: [address removed]

Testimonials for Shamanic Healer, James Hyman

“The healing speaks for itself… my vibration has risen to a new level….”

Thanks for the session James! I’ve been smiling widely ever since. ( :

Since the session with James, Charlie hasn’t needed any of his meds, allergy meds etc

Wanted to say thank you for our session a few weeks ago… I’ve felt really great since and FINALLY actually let go my ex.

“I appreciated how James, through his humor and wisdom, fostered a sacred space which supported individual and collective healing.”

“The workshop helped me really connect with my heart energy.”

“Jim is a phenomenal facilitator, creating a safe and sacred space which supports the healing, opening, and enlightening of all participants. I am looking forward to attending the next level training!”

“One result is that I was able to deeply experience the connection between all of life, especially with one another as spiritual beings.”

“The emotional release is the stepping stone to a healthier, more free and uplifting life.”

“…the workshop was perfect for me… I was able acknowledge and release suppressed emotions and reclaim my power.”

OH my GOSH!!!! I just got done with James, I feel like a new me!

James Hyman is the real deal..a true healer and his work is profound, i have witnessed both personally and in group settings amazing through this work. During this time it is urgent to get in touch with and heal our emotional energy, personally and collectively. This work is safe, effective and transformational.

“Jim is a great speaker and teacher!”

I am writing you to let you know that the one session with Jim dis-solved my abandonment anxiety, attachment anxiety, and co-dependency. A miracle? Sure, of course. Thank you again for helping me to be free of that stuff.

Just to let you know that I had a wonderful session; I didn’t expect it to be so simple yet so powerful;

James Hyman is a one of a kind healer. His work is nothing short of incredible, with the ability to release lifetimes of of blocked energy and get the person in touch with the real self within in just a single session. I have worked with and continue to work with James and have seen him positively affect the lives of many people. If you are ready for real transformaton, clarity and soul connection, I cannot recommend this work more. Saul David Raye