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New Meetup: Karaoke Friday @Panda Wok Greenville NH

From: Tom D.
Sent on: Thursday, May 6, 2010, 5:53 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Dance & Activities Meetup NH!

What: Karaoke Friday @Panda Wok Greenville NH

When: Friday, May 7,[masked]:00 PM

Panda Wok
1 Dunster Ave
Greenville, NH 03048

This one is near Betty's New Ipswich locale, in Greenville, so its 45 minutes from Nashua, but its good for the Mass 495 crowd! Betty, me, Mary, Mike, Kathleen, Phil & Neil have been there and they do a good job, with an even bigger song book than we've seen anywhere else!

Come earlier if you want Chinese food too! Friday they're in the basement lounge (stairs in the back), whereas on Sat its up in the dining room. The KJ is great, come and and sing or just have fun! $3 beers!

Here's the Google Map for it: (its a little off, don't go to the 'A' marker, look where the little 'guy' is on the map, for the street view),+greenville+nh&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Panda+Wok,&hnear=greenville+nh&cid=0,0,7636885805440132001&ei=BC_jS7TQNYSglAfos-y2Ag&ved=0CBMQnwIwAA&ll=42.770518,-71.814516&spn=0,0.01929&z=16&layer=c&cbll=42.770658,-71.813062&panoid=fXXgu-gFv5QV00xGNboAHg&cbp=12,321.94,,0,5

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