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Re: [dcrug] New Meetup: Polyglot Programming DC

From: Jess S.
Sent on: Sunday, May 11, 2014, 10:25 AM
Awesome! I'd love it if you could let them know about our group, Gray :)

Neil, please email me direct, I'd love to put you on the presenter list!

Steven, good idea, I'll see if I can get him to make the trek down to DC sometime ;)

I'm excited to learn new things with you all!

On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Gray Herter <[address removed]> wrote:
Let me know if you want some help finding speakers. As you could guess I have lists of talk proposals that feature languages other than Ruby.

Stephen Mouring offered up a Lua talk recently. I think the talk was mostly about using it for gaming applications (

CoffeeScript is another one. Scott Leberknight does a good talk on that. Of course, there are lots of Clojure people around here. And IIRC Chris Williams did a talk on Haskell a few years ago at the NovaJUG. And there are some Erlang people around, like Luc Castera (looks like he is in Miami now, tho, but he would know who).

It would be cool to find an Elixer talk, too.


On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Joshua Szmajda <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey folks, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know I'm starting another meetup to try and take your precious evenings away ;). This is a meetup focused on learning from other languages!

As programmers we typically spend most of our time in just one or two languages (javascript and ruby, right?), but there's a lot to be learned from other popular and less-popular systems. If you value expanding beyond your comfort zone and learning about how other people solve problems with code, this meetup is for you!

We'll be holding meetings once a month (for now) with a presentation or two designed to showcase different ways of thinking about things.

We plan to talk about the popular languages (java, c#, ruby, python), the less common systems (erlang, haskell, scala, clojure, lisp), and even the really fringe languages (befunge, LOLCODE, whitespace, etc).

Come out, learn, and share with us! We're friendly to people of all backgrounds and levels :). We hope our events broaden your perspective, your interests and your network.


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