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Über uns

PURPOSE:  This group is for people who want to learn and practice methods to manage stressful symptoms, including but not limited to:  depression, anxiety, panics, obsession, anger, fear, relationship issues, and other negative feelings.
Cognitive-behavioral in nature, this peer-to-peer training system was developed by Neuropsychiatrist Abraham Low, MD, founder of Recovery International, a mental health self-help organization. 
WHO SHOULD JOIN:  Individuals, young thru up-in-their-years, who find it difficult to function on a recurring basis due to similar stressful symptoms mentioned above.
WHY SHOULD I JOIN: 1. Because the method works and you can benefit -  the simple techniques of this method will help you learn to deal with stressful symptoms; 2.  Because the group is led by long-term volunteer members, those who feel better from learning the method and would like to pass on the benefits; 3.  Because there are no strings attached,  group members are non-judgmental, and there are no fees or charges - any donations will be forwarded to the Recovery International foundation.