Über uns
Check out the Miro board (PW: AgileLinz!)
We are a community of Agile practitioners interested in Agile principles, tools & methods, Product Ownership, UI/UX, change management & organizational development.
Our mission is to share knowledge and increase agile adoption in Linz, Upper Austria.
We are using different formats for our MeetUps, depending on the topic and the speaker. Basically, everything is welcome :)
Do you want to become a host or a speaker?
Please reach out to us either via Miro (PW: AgileLinz!) or to the organizer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-holl/
Share and find resources, event tips, and provide feedback!
We provided a Miro board (PW: AgileLinz!) to exchange interesting things asynchronously between our events. Feel free to share it with others :)
Communication language is English!
However, there may be some exceptions for special events held in the German language.
Data Privacy
Please be aware that we take photos during the events that are published here on the MeetUp page, on LinkedIn, and sometimes also on the webpage of the company that is hosting the event. If you don't want to appear on those pages, please get in contact with one of the MeetUp organizers on the day of the event.
Vergangene Events (33)
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Besuche uns auch auf
Verknüpfte Themen
- Agile Transformation
- Softwareentwicklung
- Extreme Programming
- Agiles Projektmanagement
- Test Driven Development
- Testautomatisierung
- Lean Startup
- Software Qualitätssicherung und Testen
- Scrum
- Agiles Testen
- Kanban
- Agile Coaching
- Agile Führung
- Agile und Scrum
- Änderungsmanagement mit Entwicklung der Organisationsstruktur