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Über uns

Welcome to the Kualuah Oceans Matter Group (Zurich) where similar minded people connect, talk and exchange information of how to conserve the the world's oceans and its inhabitants.

The meetup group is sponsored and managed by Kualuah, a nautical fashion start-up that wants to do good and is doing so by giving a big portion of their revenue away for charitable causes that help our oceans.

Anyone who cares out about Oceans and its marine life or/and performs aquatic sports, can add value to the group in some way and is very welcome to contribute by joining the group and share his or her thoughts.

Our events will due to COVID primarely happen online and discuss, what has to be done to stop the destruction of our oceans and how an individual, living in a city far from the ocean (Zurich), can help and support us on this mission.