'Sahaja' means ‘spontaneous’ or ‘born with you’ and yoga translates as ‘union’ (with the Divine or all-pervading power). Sahaja Yoga Meditation then translates as ‘the method of divine union through yoga which everyone is born with’.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is meant for all those who desires to find his or her true Self (Atman), which is full of peace, joy, satisfaction and love for yourself and others. It is not just a a set of exercises but a living process that will open up to you gradually as your meditations become deeper and stronger and life becomes easy and more fulfilling.
After the self realization process (which takes about 10 - 15 minutes), you get connected to the all pervading power which does all the living work. You get the experience and real knowledge of yourself and become your own master.
It involves the awakening of a subtle spiritual energy known as the Kundalini which lies dormant in the sacrum bone at the base of the spinal cord in three-and-a-half coils. It was already written many centuries ago in many ancient scriptures that in these special times (called blossom times), one will be able to get this experience of self realization spontaneously without giving up anything.
This method was developed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi one of the most revered holy personalities who worked tirelessly for the upliftment of mankind. From her very childhood She was associated with Mahatma Gandhi who initiated the freedom movement in India which triggered the freedom movements everywhere else thereafter.
You get a comprehensive knowledge of your inner system including energy centers (chakras) and nadis (channels) which you can verify yourself on your central nervous system thru your vibrations. You can also easily correct the imbalances with simple techniques. Regular Sahaja Yoga meditation sessions help you overcome stress and related problems.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation sessions are held in over 80 countries around the world and are always provided free of charge. Right from the inception of this movement, the founder Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi made it clear that this knowledge and Self-realization is the birthright of every human being and therefore cannot be charged for.
Please join us and experience this inner awakening and become strong and peaceful.
No special cloths / outfit needed. Also to mention here that we provide matts, sitting cushions and chairs.
The address of the location is :
Sahaja yoga Meditation center
Burgstraße 72 - 74, (near Bergerstraße)
60389 Frankfurt - Nordend - Ost
Public transport : U-Bahnhof Höhenstraße (U4)
( When you look into the building from the road, its in the courtyard Floor top left on the 1st floor)
If you have any difficulty in finding the location pls Whatsapp or text 017631587871 we will guide you further.
Sahaja Yoga Germany is a part of Sahaja Yoga Kultur e.V Germany. As we are a non profit organization, all our programs are free of charge.