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Über uns

Dear fellow men,

we want to establish a group with regular meetings for men suffering from porn addiction/compulsive masturbation. In this context, we might also talk about the topics of sexuality and relationships, but the main focus is on the addiction. If you are not familiar with the topic porn addiction or you are not sure, whether you are suffering from porn addiction, we can recommend you to start reading on [NoFap.com](https://nofap.com/porn-addiction/) or watch this nicely animated YouTube video.

The group is open for all persons who identify as "man". Times slots are not fixed yet, we will try different days/times and see what works best.

The structure of the meetings is also not decided upon yet, but there will be an open-sharing rounds in all meetings, in which everyone can feel free to talk about their emotions, troubles or successes and ask for advice (of course you don't have to share, if you don't want to). Other elements of the meetings might be open discussions about specific topics (e.g. ways into the addiction, impact on daily life, social/relationship problems, Porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED)/having problems with real sex, strategies to face the addiction, regaining a healthy and satisfying sexuality,...). Besides this, we are happy for your participation in the development of this group and are open for any ideas.

The groups will take place online or somewhere in Berlin (maybe at a park if the weather is good) and will be held in english language.

By joining this groups/the meetings, you agree to the following rules:
-this is a safe space for everyone
-when someone is speaking, we listen without interrupting the speaker
-in a discussion, we use empathy to figure out if others still feel comfortable and interrupt the discussion, if we have the feeling, someone is uncomfortable
-when someone does not want to talk about something, he does not have to
-we do not judge or comment on someones sexual orientations, desires, experiences, etc.
-we tolerate everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, religion, skin color or where they come from
-everyone should be treated with respect!

If someone repeatedly disrespects the rules, he will be removed from the group!

"Trying to quit porn is like trying to quit smoking but you always have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket." - Someone on YouTube

Trying to quit porn is not easy. Let's do it together! Let's get back (or evolve for the first time ever) our real, satisfying sexuality and improve in life!

Bevorstehende Events (1)

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