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MiniBar - Start Up Everything Write Up

From: Christian
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 6. November 2018, 10:16

Hi all

we had a splendid time on Friday being hosted in the very fine WeWork Devonshire Square (big thanks to their team). We will be there again soon. We had over 100 MiniBar members turning up - thank you. Below a summary for those of you who couldn't make it...

- Antony (CEO and founder of SeedLegals) headlined and made some great points about the benefits of flexible funding rounds for founders and why the launched Instant Investment. In essence SeedLegals brings investing into 2018 making faster, cheaper and more flexible. Congrats.

- The team of made loads of new friends and showing attendees how they could fin talented developers without using recruiters.  Again a money saver for start ups. Thanks!

- GetCoconut's founder showed us how their platform disintermediates accountants and benefits sole traders and early next year they will be launching a product for companies as well. Feels like finally old school service industries like accountants, lawyers, recruiters etc get what they deserve ;-) And ah yes Get Coconut just launched their crowdfunding on Crowdcube if you want to support a good cause get in.

And we heard from Bullbear how they are gamifying stock trading to educate millenials to get into the investment game (if they have any money left after they paid rent), how Meterian makes software more secure, and how Mojeek moved from a bedroom dev project to a funded aspiring competitor to Google by providing privacy consciuos search.

And to top it all off we had a levitating ball that could be the platform for the next iphone (it was quite arty but hugely entertaining - will post some pictures shortly).

In case you want to present at a future event get in touch via hello at and we are always looking for sponsors and partners if you are interested.

Enjoy your week

Your MiniBar team







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