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Über uns

- What is Quick Kino ?

Experimental/Improvisational filmmaking done with modest equipment in the shortest amount of time possible for all participants pledging to dedicate time to fulfill their certain roles. (Over a time preiod of one or a few Weekends)

- What is our plan for it ?

Watch and discuss experimental movies each month for the first 3 months and consequently making a short format movie each month within the meetup group for the next 3 months as part of the first edition.

- Who is it for?

Cineastes and Film Enthusiasts : Creators and creative people that want to be part of an experimental movie making process. Alternatively you might be simply interested in watching good movies and would like to talk about/learn to talk about them from a critical point of view.

- Where?

Berlin near Ostkreuz :

oo pictures GmbH
Lück Str. 23,
10317, Berlin

The venue is on the ground floor. Look for a Black and Blue Light box indicating "SUCHER".