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Do you have a B1/B2 level of English but have too few opportunities to practice speaking? Are you preparing for the Matura English exam perhaps or the TOEFL? Are you preparing for a big meeting coming up that will be held in English? Do you like playing games? Then, you’re the right match for us!!

We all know by now that games stimulate the mind in a special way such that learning and vocabulary retention take place all without any extra effort. Games are simply great for learning a language and refining one’s skills. There are so many games one can play out there on one’s own —i.e. just you and your app..but very few opportunities where you can step up out of nowhere and find other likeminded people online to play a fun social word game in English specifically for practicing and refining one’s intermediate English skills.

I’ve been an ESL teacher since 2007 and have loads of experience specifically with German-speakers and have long been a fan of games in my lessons. . At some point I realized that what I really need is the option to edit the content of these games myself and in 2021 I put the concept all down on paper and got some funding together to make this portal happen. We are called Whole Wheat Games. Here you can read all about the background:

This will remain free for a long time! In this phase, I just need guinea pigs to come together and help me work out the final bugs of our software to make our game flow perfect. That’s where we need you!