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What we’re about

Men's Teams are for any man (18+) looking to raise his game, for all men who want to live their dreams, not just dream of dreams, for all men who want to do everything within their power to win in their lives, for all men who want to achieve their success (whatever success looks like to them). <br>

The teams operate with the belief that true wisdom comes not from a single source of support, but from the diverse viewpoints of men unconditionally committed to winning in their lives.

Our Mission is to cause greatness by mentoring men to live with excellence and, as mature masculine leaders, create successful families, careers and communities.

With exception for extreme cold or rain, we usually meet outside and usually around a fire. Please dress accordingly.

Men's Teams empower men and provide the tools they need to succeed.

Local teams throughout North America are for men who want to live a more purposeful and passionate life. Teams consist of men that support and seek achieving new levels of success for themselves and for those around them. Men’s teams meet weekly at various times and locations - public areas, places of business and homes. Through trainings, special events, community service, fun activities and weekly team meetings, men learn to live a purposeful and passionate life as they achieve new levels of personal success.It starts with the desire to excel, grow and succeed. It happens when you find your place among men. It spreads with a team.

Are you a man looking to be inspired? Are you a man that likes to inspire others? We do not give tips on fashion (unless that's what you need / want), ab exercises (unless you're looking for support in health) or the latest supplements. But we do give each man the opportunity to find and become the man he has always wanted to be. Using our collective talents, strengths, compassion, humor and wisdom, we learn how to overcome our fears and live powerfully. What if you had a team of men who had your back? What if you had men who would push you to be at your best? To achieve the success you deserve? What if you had a team of men to have fun with, to be real men?

Well, you can.

Hit me up and I would be happy to give you more details.