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Debbie, Bernie, Hillary and Michelle

From: David K.
Sent on: Monday, July 25, 2016, 7:44 PM
HI All,

Elizabeth Warren is talking as I write this.

It has been a day that will be remembered for many reasons. The release of emails brought down Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Bernie delegates are 45% of delegates. They are angry, disruptive and full of protest. Even Sanders could not calm them down. They booed every time Hillary was mentioned. Cory Booker could not get past them. Then Michelle Obama stepped up and for a brief moment, the crowd listened and cheered as one.

Whether we are for one candidate or another should not forget that every negative action empowers Trump. We do not give him the tools to bring down the Democrats. So it is important to see clearly where we are today, what we need to do to move forward. Remember this day as a warning shot.

Come to the next August 12 meeting. We will take a look at the issues at all levels. Many meetings have been at the Northgate Food Court. It is light outside. Show your support for the group and RSVP today.

David Krafchick
Designing Ideas That Work
[address removed]

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