September Meetup
🏢 Location: Buro.532 - Rooigemlaan 532, Gent
🍽️ Come hungry: we'll have food and drinks
👍 We have a limited amount of spots, so only RSVP when you are sure you'll be able to make it.
19:00 Doors (food and drinks available)
20:00 Talk 1: Boundaries in software design: steering clear of one-size-fits-all (data) models (by Muhammed Sarı)
20:45 Talk 2: Observing Style Changes (by Bramus)
21:15 Socializing
22:?? End of meetup
Talk 1: Boundaries in software design: steering clear of one-size-fits-all (data) models (By Muhammed Sarı)
“Most web frameworks are considered the linchpin of modern web development; it would be counterproductive to start a new project without one. However, they often provide little guidance on how to build maintainable applications that will continue to serve you well in the long run. The initial speed boost you experienced in the early stages can disappear within 6-12 months.
In this talk, we'll examine the current state of modeling using the Laravel framework and uncover potential issues with its out-of-the-box approach. After exploring a few alternative strategies, along with their respective pros and cons, we'll reinforce this new knowledge by reviewing an existing application built using these techniques.”
Talk 2: Observing Style Changes (By Bramus)
A shortcoming of `MutationObserver` is that it cannot be used to subscribe to value changes of CSS properties.
While you could resort to `requestAnimationFrame` and `getComputedStyle` to plug that hole (which you shouldn’t), there is a more performant way to achieve this: leverage the power of CSS transitions in combination with the fairly recent `transition-behavior: allow-discrete`. With it, you can set up JavaScript callbacks to respond to changes in computed values of CSS properties – including Custom Properties.
We look forward seeing you at our meetup!
September Meetup