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New Event: Bring a short slide show!

From: Winn K
Sent on: Sunday, May 20, 2007, 8:20 PM
Announcing a new event for Pasadena Digital Photography (Pasadena Photochromers)!

What: Bring a short slide show!

When: Tuesday, May 22, 7:30 PM

Event fee: USD0.50 at the door

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Reminder to bring a short slide show (up to 60 pictures)

This is a chance to show off your best pictures or present your pictures as a theme.
We'll spend the evening looking at each other's photos!

If time permits we'll also look at either Photoshop Elements 5 or the new Photoshop CS3.

This should be a fun evening.

Bring your pics on a memory card or CD, but please arrive before 7:30 so we can put them on the computer before the meeting starts.

Put June 14th on your calendar for our "Year End Dinner - and best pictures of the year presentation!."
Dinner is a lovely buffet at Coco's, Arcadia and the $25 includes a full buffet, incl beverage and desert" More details to follow.

See You There.

Learn more here:

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