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What we’re about

**  Please register for our FREE 30-DAY TRIAL MEMBERSHIP  **                                         Welcome to Divorce Well, a fresh new and holistic approach to support for those experiencing divorce or separation.

Our goal is to create a diverse and inclusive membership community that integrates a healthy approach to healing, self-care and growth that expands beyond our regular support group meetings – one which provides a safe and healing space to transform both personally and socially and welcomes all levels of involvement. Our programming includes Healing Yoga; Mindfulness Workshops; Art Therapy; Wellness Retreats; and Educational Classes specifically designed for individuals experiencing divorce or separation.

Both having experienced divorce themselves, Co-founders Brooks Baldwin and Elisa Behrens established Divorce Well in 2019 to create a supportive and loving community for those experiencing divorce or separation.

Brooks, a collaborative divorce attorney and mediator, and Elisa, an interior designer and inspiration coach, are driven by their passion to reach out to and come alongside individuals experiencing the disorienting and decidedly solitary rite of passage called divorce.

Our focus is holistic self-care, self-awareness and support of our membership community – all steeped in a generous and compassionate concoction of dignity and grace. And eventually, it is our hope that each participant will come to find that personal transformation (or at least an enhanced outlook on life!) becomes a distinct reality.

Along the way, we encourage all to listen, to share, and to “feel all the feels” associated with divorce or separation – including grief, anger, uncertainty, fear, relief, empathy or a rich combination of all, we’ll work together to process, digest, and heal from this challenging life episode.

With the pandemic upon us, we’ve shifted most of our holistic and educational programming to livestream platforms with the intention of once again offering our rich and supportive array of programming in-person when health and safety standards allow it. 

For more information about Divorce Well and its Wellness Programming, please visit our Facebook page -


Please note that unless otherwise indicated, Divorce Well and its event organizers/instructors/leaders are not licensed mental health professionals and do not claim to offer professional mental health therapy or mental or physical diagnoses.