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What we’re about

Hello Meetuposphere!

I suggested my idea of setting up a men's group to my male friends. They told me it was a dumb idea and its not what guys do. I'll find out.

But I look at my female friends and they do a great job of creating groups: book club, mom's coffee morning, whatever. I keep coming back to the thought, of why don't men have similar groups? So I'm putting the idea out there to see what comes back.

(Editor's note: Meetup has a group tag for "Divorced Women", but no tag for "Divorced Men". Why?)

A couple of important points:

- I don't care what your sexual persuasion is, but this is NOT a hook up group. It is for networking, sharing and connecting with guys who may be wrestling with some of the same issues as you. If you are looking to meet men for sexual reasons, there are other places for that.

- By joining this group you are NOT admitting you are a sad, lonely loser :) I am none of those. I'm hoping to meet other people with a positive mindset and interesting conversations to share.

The group will center around restaurant meals with a positive conversation about a topic du jour. Yeah - we are all divorced but this isn't about crying into our wine.

Ok - you have read this far, so you must be slightly curious. Don't overthink it, drop me a note and join the group. Cheers!