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Flynn's Savage Worlds Campaign has two open seats...

From: Flynn
Sent on: Monday, January 26, 2009, 7:27 AM
Good Morning, All:

Hi! I'm Flynn. Many of you know me from previous One Shots I've run, or possibly even gaming with me in a campaign. Currently, I run a Savage Worlds fantasy campaign that has been going on for the last 14 months in northwest Austin. We game once a week on Wednesday nights, from 6:30 to 10:00. Recently, we had two seats become open, and we are looking for gamers who might be interested in joining us.

For those of you who have gamed with me before, either at One Shots or in previous campaigning, this Savage Worlds game is very much my usual gaming fare: about half action-oriented and half character development/roleplay, with a focus on heroic characters and modular play within the context of a number of inter-related story arcs. We're in it for the fun and the game, and we'd like to invite those interested to come join us.

Our process is simple: I take applications as they come in and give gamers a chance to play with us for a session, as a sort of interview. If you like the feel of the game and the group, and if the group feels that you fit well with our gaming style, then you are welcome to join us as a regular gaming member. (In case you're worried about our "standards", we're pretty easy-going, so long as we're all having fun.) That's all there is to it. And if the seats are filled before you get in touch with me, no worries. I'll just add you to the waiting list for any possible future openings that may come up.

So, by all means, please feel free to let me know if you are interested in joining our Wednesday night gaming experience. If you're interested in the game, but have never played Savage Worlds before, it is a rules-light system with basics that can be picked up in ten minutes. We are all familiar with introducing new players to the game, so you will be in good hands.

Looking Forward To Hearing From You,

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