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London Three Day iPhone/iPad IOS 6 Certificate Intensive Workshop - June 21-23

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 3:31 PM

Read the Blog Posting about the iPhone Boot Camp Experience

"Well after 3 long days all I can say is what a fantastic course. I think we were lucky having Charles Gamble as the trainer, as here is someone who not only demonstrated an absolutely fantastic knowledge of the subject he was teaching but was very patient and stayed past 6 each night for as long as was needed to help the students."- Gary Kind


The London iPhone/iPad Boot Camps are arguably the most affordable and experienced iPhone application development workshops. Our rates are often half the price of other workshops and our trainers the most experienced in the field, with apps in the top ten in the iPhone store and/or authors of popular books on iPhone development. The iPhone/iPad Boot Camp has taught over a thousand developers since November 2008 .


Money Back Guarantee


We are the only iPhone workshop that offers a money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the workshop after the first day we offer a full refund, no questions asked. Keep in mind that any developers considering the workshop should have a basic knowledge of object oriented programming or the workshop will be extremely challenging.

Register for the iPhone/iPad Three Day IOS Certificate Intensive Workshop June 21-23 at early bird rates and save !!!


iPhone/iPad IOS Boot Camp

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