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Drupal by Design

From: Tim
Sent on: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 8:19 PM
This January's meetup will be bringing some design and theming love to the table.

We'll have a short section on "Design for Developers" (though to be honest, total geek cred isn't a requirement) - looking at, and getting hands on with some core general design principals that most us should be able to find useful our work in some way or another, whatever our role. There may even (quelle horreur!) be paper involved.

Then down to the drupal specific area of using and creating themes, starter/base themes, css frameworks, and maybe beyond.

And somewhere along the way we're hoping that some of the php powerhouses amongst you can weigh in on the preprocessing side of theming.

And we're looking foward to hearing what everyone's been up to in the big wide world of Drupal.

Hope to see you there: Wednesday, 7:30, Vector Building, 103 Carlton Gore Rd Auckland.

(pencil sharpeners will be provided)

Tim and Lee Yan